Dr. Mike Blow

Specialization: Interdisciplinary Arts and Music

Dr. Mike Blow


2015 PhD ‘On the Simultaneous Perception of Sound and Three-Dimensional Objects’, Sonic Art Research Unit, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford UK
2014 Post Graduate Certificate of Academic Practice, Plymouth University UK
2004 MSc Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems, Sussex University UK
1992 BEng(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Brighton UK

Current and Previous Academic Affiliations:

2019 Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts, International College of Liberal Arts, Yamanashi Gakuin University
2017 De Montfort University Leicester, Senior Lecturer and Program Lead Audio and Recording Technology BSc
2016 University of Bedfordshire, External Examiner Media Arts
2012 University of Plymouth, Lecturer and Program Lead, Digital Art and Technology BA/BSc
2006 University of Brighton, Visiting Lecturer, MA in Digital Media Arts


Professor Mike Blow is an academic and artist with a background in electronics, programming, robotics and artificial life. Having worked in and studied engineering, science and art he has a wide range of experience and a multidisciplinary approach both toward teaching and creative practice. He is also interested in design and research methodologies used in the sciences and arts, especially the relationship between goal-focussed and process-based methods and practice-based study (‘thinking with the hands’).

Dr. Blow has taught digital arts and music technology at undergraduate and postgraduate level and has a long-running arts practice that explores interactive public artworks, usually controlled by the audience or external forces such as the weather. His work has been shown at major festivals and exhibitions all over the UK, including Tate Modern, the Southbank Centre and the Science Museum in London.


Dr. Blow’s main areas of work and research are:

– Sound and visual art, especially interactive installations
– Interdisciplinary studies
– Synaesthesia and cross-sensory correspondences
– Biological and computational creativity
– Artificial Life

More of his work can be found at evolutionaryart.co.uk