Three iCLA students participated in the Yamanashi International Student Speech Contest which was held on December 9th. Two iCLA students earned top places in the contest – 2nd year student from Mexico, Camila, was awarded Second Place and 4th year student from the USA, Joshua, won the Sponsor’s Special Award.
International students studying at universities and junior colleges all over Yamanashi Prefecture join the competitive speech contest organized by The Consortium of Universities in Yamanashi. Students competing in the contest have to prepare and deliver a speech in Japanese which is 5 minutes or less about a designated topic. The topic of this year’s speech contest was “Reasons I try my best here” (私がここで頑張る理由). Students’ speeches are judged based on Japanese ability, expressiveness, composition, creativity, logical thinking, and originality.
The students have shown incredible dedication to Japanese language learning, achieving a high level of Japanese language during the course of their study at iCLA.
A warm congratulations to all participants!